
Using 9bits SMS service allows you to send SMS messages to one or multiple customers with a few easy steps. This allows for timely and cost-efficient communications.

There are two methods by which you can send SMS messages:


This API has a number of applications that help you automate communications, organize your customer data, and customize messages in order to provide your customers with a more personal interaction experience.

Using this API, you can:

  • Send SMS messages to a single recipient or in a batch, and view any corresponding API callbacks

  • Create and manage groups, which allows for easy recipient organization and streamlined API calls

  • Review delivery reports which can provide important contaxt into how you are reaching your customers

The SMS rest API enables all of the above through a single connection.


Enhanced SMPP Service

You can send and receive messages with a granular level of control, and low latency, when using 9bits Enganced SMPP Service. SMPP is a traditional telecoms protocol for the submission of bulk SMS, you can learn more at smpp.org.

In order to use the 9bits Enhanced SMPP Service, you must first reach out to 9bits support team

Last updated